The Laboratory Design Canvas developed by Labs31 step by step explained. Starting with the first step: Data Collection.

When the decision is made that a laboratory is needed we should start from the beginning. Therefore data has to be collected because this will form the basis for a new laboratory.
The major questions are:
- What will be analyzed (which samples) in the laboratory?
- How many analyses/tests will be performed per period?
- In addition, you might have an analytical Schedule available?
Some other interesting questions will be:
- Can you share the location of the laboratory?
- Please advise what kind of space is available?
- Do you already know the (number of) people that will be working in the laboratory and an overview of their experience?
- Is there an analytical schedule available? Hence what are the standard methods used for analysis?
- Are there any local regulations/laws impacting the laboratory we should implement?
- Are there any specific preferences/demands from a client?
- When do samples arrive and how fast do results need to be reported
During the process, additional questions will be asked. For which some need to be decided upon.