What is a Battery of Limit?

The Battery of Limit (B.O.L.) is the interface point between two parties. For example, one party is responsible for the main water line. The other party is responsible for the connection to the point of use.

What does a Battery of Limit contain?

Clear descriptions are important for successful projects.

  • It should describe the exact location of the Battery of Limit-point and how to end (e.g. valve with connection y)
  • It also should describe which party is responsible for making the connection.

Battery of Limit example

What do you use to set up your laboratory?

Selecting suitable laboratory furniture to ensure safety is an important part of your laboratory set-up. The furniture in a laboratory make the work possible and easier. That is why the right furniture is of great importance in your laboratory. We can help you choose the right laboratory furniture supplier . In this way you can optimize your workspace in the laboratory and make it safe.

How can we help you?

Let us meet and talk about your challenges, looking for the best possible solution for you and your company!

We can help you with consultancy, project management and turnkey laboratory projects.

Labs31 Team

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