What is Building Information Modeling (BIM)?

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the integrated process of creating and managing information for a built environment. It is the foundation of a digital transformation in the architecture, engineering, and construction industry. The use of a Building Information Model improves the cooperation between all design and construction suppliers in a tremendous way.

Building Information Model

What is the process of Building Information Management?

The BIM process helps to create intelligence data that can be used throughout the life of a building or an infrastructure project.

  • Plan
  • Design
  • Build
  • Operate

What are the benefits of a Building Information Model?

Building Information Modeling is becoming increasingly compulsory in laboratory design. This is mainly because of the benefits:

  • Saves time (integral planning)
  • Saves money
  • Prevents a lot of frustration on part of clients and all third parties involved (over resolving changes)

Labs31 and BIM projects

Labs31 has been designing the laboratory on the basis of the Building Information Model for over twenty years.

Dupont: BIM Revit Laboratory Design and Project Support for Wesemann

Labs31 helped Wesemann to realize the laboratory in Dupont Leiden. During this project, they realized the implementation of a new laboratory. They helped to win over the project and supported the company with a Building Information Model

How can we help you?

Let us get acquainted and talk about your challenges, looking for the best possible solution for you and your company!

We can help you with consultancy, project management and turn-key laboratory projects.

Labs31 Team

More Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Battery of Limit?

The Battery of Limit (B.O.L.) is the interface point between two parties. For example, one party is responsible for the main water line. The other party is responsible for the connection ...

Do we need a Laboratory Equipment List?

When you start designing your laboratory you do not need an equipment list yet.  It might be helpful to go through the Must-have List of Science Equipment's a Laboratory. Laboratory ...

What is Building Information Modeling (BIM)?

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the integrated process of creating and managing information for a built environment. It is the foundation of a digital transformation in the architecture, engineering, and ...

Can we use the lab design and engineering data as input for the HVAC design?

Sure. What happens inside the laboratory area will have an impact on the HVAC design. Depending on the work you might be dealing with all kinds of hazards (chemical, biological). ...

What are Safety Regulations for a laboratory?

Safety regulations have different sources. For this reason, it is hard to define what the specific safety regulations are. What are different sources for  Safety Regulations? Company instructions Local (e.g., ...

What laboratory types do we have?

Laboratory types There are several types. You could use different ways to classify them. One way is to classify them by the type of work done. Some of those are ...
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